


All about engagement to find the benefits 


It all started when…

I was working in ICI in the 1980's and landed a role to bring about significant change to the way my team worked.  I had no clue, but I went on some courses in project-based change and set about the task.  Since then, all my roles have been change related - many of them described as projects or programmes, or (latterly) Director of the Change Portfolio for my last company.  But the projects mindset often misses some things - it presumes that change agents know what to do and the people who are expected to change (let's call them change recipients) resist change illogically and illegitimately.  My doctoral studies researched change from the perspective of change recipients and their line managers and found some interesting things for the how we design investments in organisational change.

Change is ubiquitous and never easy to bring about in organisations.  There is lots you can do wrong, but lots to help yourself.  We'll never have 'the answer' and to coin a corny phrase - there is 'no one size fits all'.  I can help you design an approach that will work for your organisation, to deliver the benefits you are investing your time and money to achieve.

I was awarded an Honorary Fellowship of the Association for Project Management in 2014 for my services to risk and change.  They are, of course, two sides of the same coin.